A Night at an Exclusive Ginza Club: Pricing Structure and System</trp-post-container

Visiting a high-end club in Ginza, you might encounter a variety of pricing systems for the first time. Here, we'll clearly explain these complex pricing structures to make them easier to understand. Starting with set fees, we will clearly explain the unique system of Ginza's high-end clubs, including various charges.

Pricing and System of High-End Clubs

The world of high-end clubs is built on a unique pricing system. Here are the details.

Understanding Set Fees

The set fee (SET) is the base rate, typically including "mineral water, ice, snacks", and comes with the companionship of a woman for a specified time. This charge is per person, with discounts applied for multiple guests.

Examples and Discount System

  • Single guest set fee: Starts at 10,000 yen.
  • For two guests: A total of 18,000 yen, with an additional 8,000 yen per extra guest.

About the Charge System

Table Charge (TC)

Table charge, the so-called seating fee. This is the basic fee for using the venue.

All Charge (AC)

The all-charge is a fee for the establishment's facilities. Due to significant investments in high-end brands of tableware and interior decoration, this fee is incurred.

Boy Charge (BC) Explained

The boy charge is a fee for the services of staff known as black suits.

Time Charge (TC) Explained

A charge for additional time used after one set, added every 30 minutes.

Hostess Charge (HC) Overview

A charge for a specific hostess, with an upper limit set by the establishment.

Service Charge (SC) Explained

A charge for the overall service, which is one of the reasons for the high costs of luxury clubs.

The Proxy Payment System

The cost temporarily covered by the shop on behalf of the customer.


In Ginza's high-end clubs, a variety of charges are incurred in the form of "×× charge". This system may seem complex at first, but you can gradually understand it through the bill. Take your time and enjoy the world of luxury clubs.


Article Supervisor

Yuya Hachimine

Representative Director of ZENNO GROUP, Inc. known as a leader in the night work industry in Ginza. He worked for 14 years as a black-shirted worker in a high-class club in Ginza, and based on his experience, he provides various services for the industry. In order to improve the inefficient work system, he founded ZENNO GROUP Inc. and has contributed to the development of the industry.

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