The prestigious "Club Fujitani" in Ginza! Fujitani - Satomi Mama's Special Birthday Event
Hosted by Mrs. Devi! An inspiring night at the too gorgeous Christmas Charity
Shining the night away in Ginza! Attend Masako Mama's gorgeous birthday party
Paid in wads of 10 million yen bills! A luxurious night at Bar BeeBee, where Ginza VIPs were charmed!
Brilliant night! Croquette's impersonation dinner show with laughter and excitement
Thailand - Night Spot Exploration! Full of Laughs and Surprises!
Come on, cold! Hachimine, the man who conquered the waterfall, takes on the challenge of "cryotherapy," an ultra-low temperature ice sauna.
The actual case is the subject of this article? Drinking with the models in "The Groundsmen"?
Exploring Toranaga (Tokugawa Ieyasu's) Legacy: A Tour Including Ginza
The Historical Connection Between Edo(Tokyo) and Ginza: From Silver Mint to Luxury District
The Later Life of Toranaga (Tokugawa Ieyasu) After Establishing the Shogunate
Unveiling Edo: Discovering Tokyo's Historical Identity in Shogun
Exploring Tokugawa Ieyasu's Depiction as Toranaga in the Drama Shogun